Crystalline Silica Screening

Heart of Australia Corporate Health Initiative (HOACHI) offers state-of-the art respiratory health surveillance services to organisations in regional, rural and remote Australia. HOACHI’s respiratory health surveillance programs for crystalline silica include review of occupational history, a respiratory questionnaire, spirometry, an ILO Chest X-ray and a physical examination with an emphasis on the respiratory system.

For workers identified with abnormal findings during the baseline respiratory health surveillance, HOACHI also has the capacity to provide laboratory lung function testing, high resolution computed tomography (HRCT) and respiratory specialist reviews to confirm or exclude a dust related lung disease.

HOACHI’s spirometry and radiology services are accredited by Quality Innovation Performance (QIP), ensuring the highest quality respiratory testing standards for workers operating across a range of sectors. HOACHI’s examining and supervising physicians are registered as approved providers with Resources, Safety and Health Queensland (RSHQ) and we have senior physicians from radiology, occupational and respiratory specialities with extensive experience in dust related lung diseases to support our programs.

Please contact us to discuss your organisation’s respiratory health surveillance requirements and we look forward to forming a close and productive partnership with you.

miner completing spirometry