Respiratory Health

Heart of Australia Corporate Health Initiative (HOACHI) provides respiratory health surveillance and monitoring programs for coal mine, mineral mine and quarry operators, as well as other industries working with hazardous dusts such as crystalline silica.

HOACHI can support full respiratory examinations or partner with other providers to support specific components (e.g. radiology, lung function testing, examining physicians and supporting specialists). HOACHI is also capable of providing mobile high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT), laboratory lung function tests and respiratory specialist reviews for workers identified with suspected dust related lung diseases. We also have expert physicians in radiology, occupational and respiratory medicine experienced in diagnosing occupational lung diseases to review and report on suspected cases.

Our mobile health service complements existing regional providers and works collaboratively with them to support the early detection and prevention of dust related lung diseases across regional, rural and remote Australia. The mobile health service is also registered with RSHQ as an approved provider for the Coal Mine Workers’ Health Scheme and meets the requirements for medical practitioners performing respiratory health surveillance for mineral mine and quarry workers.

Our state-of-the-art mobile clinic (HEART5) has a broad geographical coverage helping offset travel expenditure and lost productivity for employers in regional, rural and remote Australia providing unprecedented onsite access to services such as:

Former Worker Assessments

Small Scale Opal & Gemstone Miner Assessments

Coal Mine Workers’ Health Scheme (CMWHS) Medicals

Mine Rescue Personnel Medicals

Mineral Mine and Quarry Medicals

Crystalline Silica Medicals

If you would like to find out more about our mobile respiratory health surveillance programs for workplaces in regional and rural Australia, please contact us.