Program Partners
Government Support

In 2020, Resources Safety & Health Queensland (RSHQ) commissioned Heart of Australia Corporate Health Initiative (HOACHI) to provide rural and regional Queensland with a mobile health service that delivers world-class health assessment services (including respiratory health surveillance) for current, retiring and former coal mine, mineral mine and quarry workers. Approved by RSHQ, the purpose of this service is to complement existing regional providers and work collaboratively to provide unprecedented accessibility and the highest quality service provision in the early detection and prevention of mine dust lung diseases across the mine and quarry sectors in Queensland.
Collaborative Partners

I-MED Radiology have a radiology footprint throughout Australia and conduct more than 4.6 million procedures a year. I-MED Radiology clinics offer a range of imaging procedures including MRI, CT, X-ray, ultrasound and nuclear medicine. With the largest team of sub-specialist radiologists, patients can be assured of the highest quality imaging and diagnosis.

Philips strive to make the world healthier and more sustainable through innovation. As a leading provider of medical equipment to hospitals and clinics across Australia, Philips believe in providing holistic healthcare solutions, and are pleased to work with partners such as Heart of Australia to bring the benefits of access to specialised healthcare provision effectively to as many people as possible in Queensland.