Women’s Health Survey

Posted on 12th March 2017

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAHeart of Australia recommends that all women consider being part of the nation’s only national survey of the health information needs of women in Australia – particularly where, how and in what way women access information about their health.

Developed and designed by the Jean Hailes for Women’s Health non-profit organisation for women’s health launched 25 years ago.

The survey’s aim is to understand the health information needs and health behaviour of women living in Australia – as little research exists on what information women like, trust and need in relation to their health. The researchers particularly seek to increase knowledge of women’s health needs in rural, regional and remote areas across Queensland.

By giving 10 minutes of your time, you will help complete the puzzle of women’s health – and have a chance to win two 6-month Fernwood Fitness memberships. Click here to complete the Women’s Health Survey.

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