PACCAR dealers on board
For many years now, as part of the PACCAR Dealer of the Year Awards evening, PACCAR Dealer Principals, PACCAR Management, and their partners have contributed during the event to a special charity or community program nominated on the night. Through the PACCAR and Dealer Industry Fund, PACCAR also contributes to many other worthy causes throughout the year. Traditionally this is given to organisations who are making a difference and addressing issues of importance for the road transport industry and those who work within it.
In recent years this program has been championed by Alan Barnett, Dealer Principal from Kenworth DAF WA (CJD Equipment). Alan is shown on left, accepting a generous donation from Graeme Gibbons and Maarten Durant of Southpac trucks NZ. We were honoured to receive a donation of $10,000 in 2015 and a further $20,000 this year and are grateful for the continuing support from the PACCAR dealer network.
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