Meet Sam Harris – so young; such a seeker!

Posted on 23rd August 2016

SamHarrisTen-year-old Sam Harris, who lives at Mentone in Victoria, is playing his part in spreading the word about Heart of Australia program.

After watching (with his Mum Lisa) the recent ABC TV Australian Story episode about the service and founder Dr Rolf Gomes, Sam decided that he wanted to build a school assignment on “Dr Rolf” and HoA.

Sam sent a list of questions, ranging from why Dr Gomes became a cardiology specialist to what is the most satisfying part of this job and how his early schooling featured in his career choices.

He told Dr Gomes: ”I think what you’re doing is wonderful for Australia”.

The two exchanged emails and sure enough Sam’s assignment about Dr Rolf was complete.

“Sam is a delightful young Australian and I think he will make wise and rewarding choices in his life and what’s more he is a clever gentleman,” Dr Gomes said.

Sam’s Mum Lisa told Dr Gomes that her husband’s family are farmers – “and this kind of service truly is needed all over Australia”.  


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