Media Release: Minister Gillespie: Prevention is key for a healthy heart

Posted on 22nd September 2016


Media release: Minister Gillespie: Prevention is key for a healthy heart

For visit to Heart of Australia Truck today at 11am at Jimbour Street, Dalby

22 September 2016

Prevention is key for a healthy heart

With heart disease one of the biggest killers of Australians, a mobile service is taking the message of prevention directly to those in the bush. 

Assistant Minister for Rural Health, Dr David Gillespie, joined the Heart of Australia Truck in rural Queensland today to talk to locals about heart disease and the importance of prevention. 

Minister Gillespie was joined by local MP, Federal Member for Maranoa David Littleproud and Queensland Senator Barry O’Sullivan.

“Cardiovascular disease kills one Australian every twelve minutes. It’s also one of the major contributors to the life expectancy gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians,” Dr Gillespie said.

“Australians living in the bush often experience the combined impact of fewer health resources and limited access to health services compared to Australians living in metropolitan areas.

“The Heart of Australia Truck, a mobile cardiology clinic, brings vital services to Australians in rural and regional Queensland. The Heart Bus, as it’s fondly known, each month travels about 8000 kilometres and services twelve regional communities.

“The work being done by the Heart Bus is a great step forward in providing more services and access to health care for Indigenous and non-Indigenous people living inrural, remote and regional areas.

“The Coalition Government is committed to prevention, early detection, treatment and management of heart disease.

“We are resolute in finding solutions for the provision of health services to rural and remote communities where they need it the most.” 

The Coalition Government is providing $240 million over four years to support outreach services under the Rural Outreach Fund and the Medical Outreach Indigenous Chronic Disease Program, with $63 million dedicated for services in Queensland.

The Heart of Australia Truck was established in 2014 by Dr Rolf Gomes to address the gap in cardiology services in rural and regional Queensland.

The Australian Government also provided funding of $250,000 in 2013-2014 towards the fit-out of the vehicle.

Dr Gillespie thanked Senator O’Sullivan and Mr Littleproud for their strong advocacy and continued efforts in support of Heart of Australia.

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