It’s all about spreading our care

Posted on 22nd September 2016

We were thrilled to receive the following message from traveller John Jenner, of Adelaide.

“After a consultation with Dr Bryce Nicol in Winton and finding out that my swollen legs and feet could be the result of heart failure and not cellulitis as previously diagnosed I was lucky enough to be given an appointment with Dr. Rolf Gomes in the “out of this world ” superb Heart Bus. After tests by the very professional and welcoming staff, I saw Dr Gomes who agreed with the diagnosis of Dr Nicol, prescribed fluid tablets to get me back to Adelaide and told me to see my specialist, Dr Richard Hillock on my return. All the information from the Heart Bus was at Dr Hillock’s surgery on my arrival so my sincere thanks for forwarding the report to the specialist.

The concept of the Heart Bus in amazing. I left my appointment in awe of what is being achieved in Queensland. I hope this wonderful success story continues and grows .. it is giving the outback residents and travellers [Grey Nomads] so much professional, medical assistance.

Thank you from John Jenner in Adelaide.
P.S. I can now proudly say, I have seen and been on the Heart Bus!!!”

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