From three-days to three hours: overcoming a distance hurdle.

Posted on 14th July 2020

Before Heart of Australia came to Blackall, Lindsay and her husband Nigel had to travel over 600 kilometres to Roma so Nigel could visit a travelling specialist. With kangaroos making night travel hazardous, a 15-minute consultation with a specialist quickly turned into a two-day event. Three days if the appointment was in the afternoon.

According to Lindsay, this all changed when Heart of Australia expanded its route to include Blackall.

“I first heard about Heart of Australia from a friend almost five years ago. It had just started its operations, visiting a handful of towns. We immediately knew what a huge impact that kind of service might have, not just in our lives, but for everyone in our community, so we crossed our fingers and hoped that one day Heart of Australia would come to Blackall,” Lindsay said.

“So when we heard the Heart Truck was on its way to Blackall, we were overjoyed. We knew it was going to change the lives of so many people in our community.”

Lindsay said as challenging as it was for Nigel and herself to make the three-day trips to access the services he needed, they counted themselves as the lucky ones.

“You need to understand that life out here is so different from life in a big city. We have diverse needs, diverse challenges and diverse responsibilities. Nigel and I were lucky enough to be in a position where we could make the three-day trip when we had to. It wasn’t ideal. It was very challenging, but we could do it. But we know people who couldn’t do it. So they didn’t. And that’s scary.

“Now that Heart of Australia is in Blackall, everyone can access reliable, specialist healthcare.

Lindsay recently wrote to the Heart of Australia team to thank them for their service, and their ability to understand and be flexible in responding to the unique challenges for rural life.

“The staff and facilities on board are second to none. It’s a better service then you’d get at most stationary clinics. The team always go above and beyond, all while being very welcoming. We get helped in and out of the truck using their wheelchair system and are always taken care of.

“Nothing is ever an issue with Heart of Australia. When we explained that a testing appointment in the afternoon would impact our ability to drive home on isolated dirt roads safely, they immediately changed around their schedule to respond to our needs. They understand that rural life has its hurdles, and are quick to accommodate.

“My husband Nigel has been on our property his whole life. It’s 22,000 acres of sheep, cattle and a whole lot of dirt about an hour from Blackall. We love it. We love the land, and we love the community. We wouldn’t want to live anywhere else, and Heart of Australia is helping us to stay here and stay healthy, ” Lindsay said.

“The Heart Truck is a wonderful solution to an almost crippling obstacle, a hurdle that has hindered generations of rural Australians before us.

“Heart of Australia coming to Blackall has meant the world to us. It’s a service our community can rely on. The Heart Trucks mean so much more than cutting our specialists visits from three-days to three hours – including the two hours of travel. They’ve changed our life, our community and the face of rural healthcare.

“We couldn’t imagine Blackall without Heart of Australia.”

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